There are several ways to make a donation in support of EMSO. For details on donor acknowledgement and how your financial support helps our orchestra, visit our Donate page.

Make a donation via credit or debit card through GiveMN.

Send a check, made out to EMSO, to:
East Metro Symphony Orchestra
380 Rivertown Drive, Suite 200
Woodbury, MN 55125
Make a cash or check donation in-person at one of our concerts. Most of our concerts are free to attend, but freewill donations are always welcome and appreciated.

Consider a Legacy Gift to EMSO

Legacy gifts are both simple and impactful. Gifts of appreciated stocks or bonds, real estate or unneeded life insurance or annuities are just some of the many options.
One of the easiest ways to make a Legacy gift is by bequest. A simple call to your attorney to include EMSO in your will can make one of the most profound and enduring contributions to the future of the orchestra.
If you’re interested in making a bequest or other Legacy gift, please contact any EMSO Board Member or email us at [email protected].
EMSO is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are tax deductible.