Music and friends abound at EMSO’s final performance of 2018-2019 10th anniversary concert season
A tremendous thank you to everyone who made EMSO’s final concert of our 10th anniversary season so sensational! So many wonderful friends and supporters joined us at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stillwater to celebrate the first 10 years of EMSO on May 19, 2019. Special thanks to our wonderful guest artists Michal Sobieski, Jim Price, Cheryl Paschke and Joe Alfano and all of our wonderful honorees! Many thanks also to Dr. Elizabeth Prielozny Barnes and her husband, Jim Barnes, for their 20 years of dedication to East Metro Symphony Orchestra! We were so happy to share in this celebration with our wonderful community!
Thank you so much for to all who joined us for this amazing concert!
Thank you to these special individuals for their contributions to EMSO’s first 10 years!

Jim Barnes

Dwight Erickson – French Horn (40 years)
Joyce Laidlaw – Clarinet (47 years)
Jim Cheeseman – French Horn (56 years)
Jim McCarville – Trumpet (37 years)
Leanne Ekstadt – Oboe (39 years)

Betsy Lake (2015-2017)
Emily Kaczynski (2013-2015)
Sally Browne (2011-2013)
Eric Levinson (2009-2011)
Angie Newgren (2017-2019)
East Ridge High School and Merrill Arts Center connections:
Laura Miller
Michelle Witte
Kelly DeMorett
What’s coming next for EMSO? Stay tuned for more info about our new season, our new conductor, and other exciting plans for the upcoming 2019-2020 concert season.