On May 26, the East Metro Symphony Orchestra Board decided to postpone all rehearsals and concerts in the 2020-2021 concert season through at least December 31, 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This was a disappointing but necessary decision that has made it challenging for the orchestra to continue its mission through most of 2020. However, recently the orchestra has started two new initiatives focused on the efforts and purpose of EMSO.
The first is the production of several small ensemble videos that will be shared with many of our senior residence audiences. These Symphonies for Seniors videos will be half-hour long pre-recorded mini concerts featuring EMSO musicians. The videos will offer a wonderful opportunity to continue to share our love of music with this under-served audience, while still following MDH and CDC guidelines concerning COVID-19 and keeping everyone safe. We are looking forward to starting these productions this fall.
The musical well-being of our musicians is part of the EMSO mission as well. Since our musicians cannot be together in person for at least the remainder of the 2020 calendar year, EMSO has started a special Facebook group exclusively for EMSO members. This group is designed to help members connect in similar ways to how they would have during weekly rehearsals, and offers a place to share personal news, announce performances, and share musical ideas, recordings, and jokes. We hope this platform will help ease the stress of not being together for the immediate future.
EMSO cannot wait to be back on stage again, performing all together in front of our fabulous audiences. But until then, we are hoping to continue the traditions of EMSO in safe and virtual ways. Please continue to stay vigilant and safe though these unprecedented times.