Barbara Englund joined EMSO in March of 2018. She plays a cello made by Michael Scoggins.
Barbara grew up in Ottumwa, Iowa, where she started cello at age 7 and trombone at age 9. Her family moved to Edina, MN and she participated in Band and Orchestra in that excellent school system. She has a Bachelor of Science Music Education degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Barbara has been a member of various Community Orchestras including Mankato Symphony, Des Moines Community Orchestra, Minnetonka Symphony, Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis and St.Paul Civic Orchestra. She joined EMSO in 2017, after retiring from teaching.
She taught Band, Strings and Classroom Music in the Minneapolis Public School for 32 years and also taught Band at The Academy of Holy Angels. Her first teaching job was in Des Moines, Iowa. She and her husband, EMSO violinst David Englund, job shared a teaching position (Strings) in the Des Moines Public Schools.
Fun Fact: Barbara was a bill collector for a porta potty company for 3 years when she could not find a teaching job.
Barbara and her husband moved to Hudson in 2002 and commuted to Northeast Minneapolis for 14 years. Nowadays, Barbara loves retirement and playing in various musical groups.