Laura Miller- Bass

Laura’s Music Story:

In grade school, children try different instruments to find one that they will eventually learn.  My music teacher needed a bass player and enlisted my mom’s help.  Since I knew how to play piano and I was one of the tallest in my class I was told that I would be learning to play the bass.  I had no choice.

That 5th grade event in the suburbs of Chicago started me on a path leading to EMSO.  School orchestra segued to the Southwest Symphony Orchestra.  Over the years I played all over the Chicago suburbs.  It seemed that there were always opportunities for bass players. 

In 1997, my 3M subsidiary was sold.  I moved my entire life along with my son and bass to the suburbs of St Paul.  It was wonderful that I did not have to search for an orchestra, 3M had one!  The 3M Club Symphony Orchestra, which morphed into EMSO, became my orchestra home. 

I have supported EMSO in ways other than playing my bass.  I handled publicity for a few years and helped connect the orchestra with the Merrill Arts Center.  Currently, I serve on the EMSO Board of Directors.  I’m also in charge of cookie procurement.

Now in retirement, I enjoy gardening, traveling and making rhubarb wine.  I play bass with my church praise group when not singing tenor.  I love playing with Musical Chairs Offering, a summer orchestra formed with strings from EMSO.  

Music has always been a source of inspiration, peace and healing.  I hope to have many more years playing bass (aka contrabass, upright bass or acoustic bass) with the talented musicians of EMSO.