Jim McCarville joined EMSO in 1967. Jim and his wife both purchased handmade Bach Stradivarius Trumpets back when they were in college which they still play. Those trumpets are now considered collectibles.
Jim joined the 3M Symphony Orchestra in early 1967, along with his wife Karen. They were the orchestra’s trumpet section along with several others until they moved with 3M to Brookings, SD in 1975. They returned to St. Paul and 3M Symphony Orchestra in 1990.
Over the years four of Jim’s children have joined the orchestra playing violin (Erin) and trombone (Kevin) and singing in several chorus pieces. Daughter Erin also sang a Mozart solo several years ago with the orchestra.
Jim grew up in Ortonville, MN and now lives in Lindstrom MN, only a few miles from where his wife grew up in Wisconsin. He graduated from the University of MN in Chemical Engineering, and also received an MBA. Jim played in the Marching Band in two Rose Bowls, and the Concert Band Ensemble. He worked for 3M in new product development, manufacturing engineering, consulting, manufacturing engineering management and in IT on manufacturing information systems until retiring in 2001.
After retiring in 2001, Jim got very active in community and volunteer activities for many years, receiving the 3M Retiree Volunteer of the Year award in 2009. He now plays in EMSO; sub on Trumpet and Fluegelhorn in a German Band; plays cornet in the Northwinds English Brass Band; and the U of M Alumni Band. He and Karen also sing in Barbershop Choruses and Karen arranges folk songs for Barbershop Quartets. They also like to travel as much as they can, and enjoy many other activities with family members such as reading, genealogy, and golf.